Saturday, September 29, 2007

Imelda came back to branch today.. reminded me that it been weeks since she left. was stil thinking of her in the morning while i was in the train. such a coincidence.. : )

i miss her presence...

imelda's last day @ T.B
Bet its one of the best day of her life ..haha

us, trying to look like some beauty queens :P

imelda's farewell dinner @7th storey

after the fattening steamboat dinner

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I'M BORED... BOOOoooooo...
i'm right in office but feeling damn bored. i have got NOTHING, Absolutely nothin to do...
markets surge, i tot ppl flocking in for investments would be better, at least slightly. hmm, i was wrong. its still as DEAD! i hate the days with zero sales.. i wanna close, close and close!! den money will just come rowing in.. i wanna complete my wishlists by spending , spending n spending!!!!
sigh.. tats not gonna happen with no one goin to the bank!! i can just dream on...............
sometimes i think i hate sales. i hate the 'ugly' techniques that they used. i hate the snobbish ppl in sales. i hate the way they under cut and the snatching of sales.
but oni sales can give one the big pay chq that other mandane jobs cant. money can buy happiness too. i feel stranded in the awkward situation at times. but heck. anyway, i dun hav any lucrative offer. :(
blahhhhhh.... its so bored.
i can oni look forward the evening meeting w my ger frens, w shopping & drinking in the list. yea. we can take the chance to celebrate for chloe for having an exciting career that awaits her.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Re-Union Dinner with our OLD PALS....
of JVS

Went to Tian tian steamboat for dinner...dinner was so so oni.. well, it always the ppl you are with tat made ur day, not so much of the place n food ya.. at least tats wat i think..

gosh.. has totally no idea when is the last time i meet up with those guys can... seeing them once again makes me feel i aged so much, so FAST! thanks to thomas who reminded me all over again that time files... 'we knew each other for 10 years liao..' tats wat he said causally.. yup, 10 yrs.. seriously, i still can remember v clearly the gd old but childish time we had enjoy tog in jvs.. its now 10 yrs ago... Man... can anyhow hit that 'clock' & be the big saviour to pretend all of us from aging so much???!!???

it feel so nice to see each of you once again..

yup, lets hit the club coming weekend!

chloe was oso there at the gathering..

dunno y the others always so bz & cannot make it..

my buddy, yk..

he's drunk...haha


At last. After 2 years of concurrent studying & working, i found myself at the destination -the moment we have been waiting for - THE GRADUATION.

Sitting in the midst of proud parents and graduands, I somehow feel proud too.. ;) though i was feeling utterly disappointed at the same time. disappointed tat i was just 2 points away frm my distinction degree, Damn!

It was a joyous occasion. Meeting old skool mates that i haven seen for long time & most imptly, my whole family turn up for my graduation! I really appreciate the efforts that they took.. you noe, my graduation is on a freaking thur morning and my sis her bf have to actually take leave to attend..somehow it reminded me tat i din even notice when was my sis's graduation, and tat was only when i realise i din even attend it.. BOOooooo.

We were kinda late though, & i panic alittle as i was told tat latecomers are forbidded to enter. My sis quickly helped in getting me dressed in tat bulky gown as i totally have no idea where to begin..Yuling was all ready & even started taking pics when i just arrived.. sigh.. tat makes me more panicky...

felt like a superstar for a day with all ppl snapping pics of us.. all of our excitement were not put out by the heavily rain during the reception.. more cam-whoring actions continued.. well, despite all conditions, nothin can stop us from cam-whoring!!!!!

Finallyyy.....I HAVE GRADUATED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Dressing Up...

Waiting for my turn to go on stage.... as usual, I'm the last one to be called for the whole Accountancy cohort!!!!

At the reception....

Just us...


my family..

Me & Dearest Joey....

Me & dearest Jamie....

the gers... think we sat on the same row...

ehhmm.. the first row to be exact!

bestiess ...

this 2 J-babes has been my biggest angels during my study in Uni.
Thanks babes for your help

jamie has a forte in speed witting..
she always manage to copy everythin tat me n joey cannot catch
thanks jamie for ur notes!

Joey knows everythin tat is happening in the class
she always update me on wat is tested,wat is not as i MIA too much..

and not to mention, i think they r the oni frens i hang out w.. aha

so much so much more... Thanks gers...

skool mates...

almost whole class.... almost.

Finally, Its ME!

Congratulations... & celebrations.....


its all over & done with...


i miss skool :P